CHAPTER 11 Poker Classic - Results

Season 1


CHAPTER 11 World Series
August 27, 2005
Sunnyvale II
23 players
$5 buy-in


CHAPTER 11 Poker Classic XIII
August 27, 2005
Sunnyvale II
16 players

1st place: Paul $14
2nd place: Donn $6
3rd place: Cathy L $4
4th place: Terry L $4
5th place: Inn $2
6th place: Elise $2

CHAPTER 11 Poker Classic XII
August 13, 2005
20 players

1st place: Jeff T $14
2nd place: Chris $8
3rd place: Eugene $6
4th place: Ben $4
5th place: Faye $4
6th place: Angela $2
7th place: Inn $2

CHAPTER 11 Poker Classic XI
June 11, 2005
Redwood Shores

Tournament I - 14 players
1st place: Wes $12
2nd place: Jason $6
3rd place: Inn $4
4th place: Angela $4
5th place: Eugene $2

Tournament II - 14 players
1st place: Wes $12
2nd place: Cathy C. $6
3rd place: Paul $4
4th place: Angela $4
5th place: Chris $2

CHAPTER 11 Poker Classic X
April 30, 2005
Sunnyvale II

Tournament I - 20 players
1st place: Chris $14
2nd place: Angela $8
3rd place: David M $6
4th place: Adam $4
5th place: Shirley $4
6th place: Cathy L $2
7th place: Lawrence $2

Tournament II - 11 players
1st place: Bill Zan. $10
2nd place: Elise $6
3rd place: Terry L $4
4th place: Donn $2

CHAPTER 11 Poker Classic IX
December 10, 2004
San Jose II
22 players
1st place: Kit $17
2nd place: Jeff H $9
3rd place: June $6
4th place: Bill Zar. $4
5th place: Conway $4
6th place: Jiao $2
7th place: Inn $2

CHAPTER 11 Poker Classic VIII
November 6, 2004
San Jose

Tournament I - 15 players
1st place: Paul $14
2nd place: Jeff T $6
3rd place: Inn $4
4th place: Bill Zan. $4
5th place: Adam $2

Tournament II - 13 players
1st place: Donn $12
2nd place: Jeff T $6
3rd place: Elise $4
4th place: Scarlett $2
5th place: Inn $2

CHAPTER 11 Poker Classic VII
October 15, 2004
Santa Clara
17 players
1st place: Terry L $14
2nd place: Tim $8
3rd place: Brian $4
4th place: Donn $4
5th place: Elise $2
6th place: Shirley $2

CHAPTER 11 Poker Classic VI
September 20, 2004
Sunnyvale II
7 players
1st place: Elise $8
2nd place: Paul $4
3rd place: Terry L $2

CHAPTER 11 Poker Classic V
September 4, 2004

Tournament I - 14 players
1st place: Jerry $12
2nd place: Chris $6
3rd place: Eugene $4
4th place: Paul $4
5th place: Jeff T $2

Tournament II - 14 players
1st place: Cathy L $12
2nd place: Jeff T $6
3rd place: Bryant $4
4th place: Elise $4
5th place: Inn $2

CHAPTER 11 Poker Classic IV
August 22, 2004
Sunnyvale II

Tournament I - 14 players
1st place: Simon $12
2nd place: Shirley $6
3rd place: Chris $4
4th place: Donn $4
5th place: Bryant $2

Tournament II - 11 players
1st place: Eugene $10
2nd place: Chris $6
3rd place: Paul $4
4th place: Terry L $2

CHAPTER 11 Poker Classic III
July 24, 2004
San Jose

Tournament I - 10 players
1st place: Eugene $10
2nd place: Donn $6
3rd place: Gordon $2
4th place: Shirley $2

Tournament II - 10 players
1st place: Inn $10
2nd place: Gordon $6
3rd place: Chris $2
4th place: Ben $2

CHAPTER 11 Poker Classic II
July 2, 2004
Sunnyvale II

Tournament I - 12 players
1st place: Eugene $12
2nd place: Terry L $6
3rd place: Donn $4
4th place: Shirley $2

Tournament II - 10 players
1st place: Chris $10
2nd place: Terry H $6
3rd place: Donn $2
4th place: Wes $2

CHAPTER 11 Poker Classic I
June 12, 2004
8 players
1st place: Wes $8
2nd place: Adam $6
3rd place: Angela $2

All tournaments = $2 buy-in unless noted.

Final 2004-05 Season Winnings

* * *

1st Jeff T $79
2nd Chris $62
3rd Wes $54
4th Donn $45
5th Eugene $44
Paul $44
7th Angela $35
8th Inn $33
9th Terry L $32
10th Elise $26
11th Bill Zan. $19
12th Cathy L $18
13th Kit $17
14th Shirley $16
15th Faye $14
16th Adam $12
Jerry $12
Simon $12
19th Jeff H $9
20th Tim $8
Gordon $8
22nd Ben $6
Cathy C $6
Jason $6
David M $6
June $6
Bryant $6
Terry H $6
29th Conway $4
Bill Zar. $4
Brian $4
32nd Jiao $2
Scarlett $2
Lawrence $2

Players with the same dollar amount are listed in the order of most recent participation

Info on payout structure

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THANKS to our hosts over the season:

Terry & Cathy
Faye & Wes
Donn & Shirley
Paul & Elise
Jeff & Winnie
Terry & Gene
Adam & Angela
Ben & Janice


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