Link to F-18, Formosa, Slow Stick photo album

HET FA-18 Hornet EDF stats:
- Video of the maiden flight 1/19/2007
- HET 2W-20 brushless motor (specs)
- HET 6904 fan (was: Wemotec Mini Fan 480)
- Castle Creations Phoenix 60 ESC
- Electron 6 receiver (Ch1: R servo, Ch2: L servo, Ch3: ESC, Ch6: UBEC) [3/2007]
- OrangeRX DSM2 receiver, installed 12/2010, replaces Electron6
- Kool Flight UBEC
- Thunder Power 4S 1P 3300mAh lipo battery (Extreme series)
- Hitec HS-81MG (metal) servos
- 3.5mm bullet connectors (ESC–motor)
- 3M exterior mounting tape (double-sided) for servo mounts
- Bolt size for taileron axle collar: M3-0.5 20 (20mm long), from OSH
- Blue loctite (removable type) for screws
- 30 minute epoxy for wings, tailerons, vert stabs, tail cone.
- "Formula 560" canopy glue by Pacer for canopy and nose cone
- 9" wide plastic folder for thrust tube, OfficeDepot (tapered to 60mm diam exhaust)
- Deans "Wet Noodle" 12-gauge wires for wiring harness
- Hangar 9 Ultracote "Midnight Blue" covering ("Oracover Dunkelblau" printed on back)
- BB lost model alarm (from eBay), added 12/2010
- 4mm diam. carbon fiber tube wing spars, right wing repair (5 min epoxy) 12/2010. Crash happened sometime between late-May and mid-June 2007 (from looking at my rcgroups postings).
- 40.2 oz AUW (3/2007)
- 44,000 RPM
- 720W continuous (50A), 1/2007 maiden preflight
- 826W peak (with HET 6904 fan)
- Radar clocked at 109 mph 2/16/2007 (video)

XE2 Flying Wing
XE2 stats:
- Combat Wings 4-spar kit
- JustGoFly 400DF brushless motor (400DF specs)
- APC 5.25 x 4.75 prop
- JustGoFly M5 aluminum slim-style collet
- JustGoFly pusher motor mount, aluminum
- 3.5mm bullet connectors (ESC–motor)
- Castle Creations Phoenix 25 ESC
- Thunder Power 3S 2200mAh 25C lipo battery
- Hitec Electron 6 dual-conversion receiver
- Hitec HS-311 standard-sized servos (to help add weight to nose)
- 3M bidirectional strapping tape ("Extreme" type)
- Solite covering on the bottom.
- Trick RC colored tape on the top.
- Trick R/C Tape Hinge on top of ailerons (3M Gift Tape on bottom of ailerons)
- Great Planes segmented lead weights
- 3M 77 spray glue
- Gorilla glue and low-temp hot melt glue for joining wing cores.
- Radar clocked at 74 mph

F-18 Foamy
GWS Formosa
PicooZ (aka PiccoZ) indoor helicopter:
- Twist tail boom clockwise for more forward flight (when viewed from the rear).
- After flight, let battery cool for 10-15 minutes before recharging.
- Never over discharge lipo battery.